HTML5 Pocket Reference Review

I find all the pocket references books handy. The HTML5 Pocket Reference is very nice because it is inexpensive and the digital format works on just about any device you might need to view it on. It has the latest HTML specification expanded so you can work on the task at hand. Everyone knows that this was a big jump to HTML5. The author gives details of what is obsolete and where to find the latest details on the HTML specification.

This book is for intermediate users in that it gives usage examples and not a lot of detail on why you may be using a particular tag.

HTML5 has brought a number of new possibilities to web design and how browsers handle data. HTML5 killed Flash and it is a living specification so it is not yet finalized. The one problem I have with the HTML5 Pocket Reference and that is the HTML5 APIs are not described. I think that is because the specification was in flux. The author does provide links on each API which will get you to the API reference. I hope that the next update of this pocket reference will include the HTML5 APIs as well as more detail on events.

I recommend this book to the readers of this blog. It is so worth the price. Having a pocket reference book is great when you have an idea of what you want to do but need some help without going through the Google pages or when you don’t have an internet connection handy.

I received the digital version of this book via the O’Reilly Reader Review Program.

About tdgatrix

I have an Atrix and I'm not afraid to use it. View all posts by tdgatrix

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